

ITF Court Pace Classification/Court Recognition
  • Date2017-09-27
  • Hit6004


Welcome to the official English website of Korea Conformity Laboratories (KCL). 

KCL is an ITF accredited laboratory for ITF Court Pace Classification and Court Recognition.

Here we provide you information about ITF Court Pace Classification and Recognition.



[Court Pace Classification]


1. Resister for access to the ITF TennisNET Portal - https://tennisnet.itftennis.com.

To register for access to the TennisNET Portal, please email the details below to TennisNET@itftennis.com


- First name

- Last name

- Job title

- Email address

- Organization name & address

- Organization website

- Organization VAT number (if based in the EU)

(Additional users may only be registered against existing organizations in the TennisNET Portal.)


2. Login to the TennisNET Portal and create a record for your product (unless you have an existing record). If the product already exists and its status is 'Incomplete', then additional details must be provided to the ITF (TennisNET@itftennis.com) using the product details template available to download from the product record.


3. Contact the Advanced Reliability Center (jhlee@kcl.re.kr) to obtain a quotation for the testing fee.


4. Submit a test application (online form) to confirm your choice of test laboratory, either for a new product test or a renewal product test, from the 'Apply' section of the TennisNET Portal.


5. Please send your samples to KCL (one 1 m × 1 m sample or at least three 0.5 m × 0.5 m samples) and ITF office in London (one 0.5 m × 0.5 m sample) at the same time.

(Address of KCL: [08503] 199, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul


6. On completion of the testing and review process, the Court Pace Rating (CPR) value and ITF pace category will be displayed in the test application record.


7. Submit an application for an ITF Classification listing. Upon receipt the ITF shall issue an invoice for the Classification fee.


8. On receipt of payment, an ITF Court Pace Classification letter, certificate and test report will be available to download from the TennisNET Portal, and the surface product published on the ITF Technical website.



[Court Recognition(One-Star/Two-Star)]


1. Submit an application form (Attached file) to the ITF for One-Star or Two-Star ITF Recognition. Upon receipt the ITF shall issue an invoice for the recognition fee. This fixed fee applies per facility for any number of tennis courts to be tested on consecutive days.


2. Nominate Korea Confirmity Laboratories (KCL) to conduct the necessary testing, contacting the Advanced Reliability Center (jhlee@kcl.re.kr) to obtain a quotation for the testing fee. Once the court has been tested, the report(s) is/are sent to the ITF directly.

(Note: Testing fees are separate from the Recognition Fee.)


3. The ITF shall issue the final test report and the ITF Recognition certificate, and the details published on the ITF Technical website.



For further information, please contact the Advanced Materials Reliability Center (jhlee@kcl.re.kr)


Thank you for your visit.