
Analysis of efficacy and toxicokinetics

The test is conducted to evaluate the efficacy and pharmacokinetic properties of new pharmaceuticals, health enhancement food and cosmetics and provides information about the dosage.


The pre-analysis conditions and processes of measuring systems (e.g. ELISA, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS) and the optimal method of quantifying dosage are determined based on the drug's properties.

  • Analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological samples
  • Validation of drugs and metabolites analysis methods on biological samples

PK, Pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic parameters of the absorption, distribution and metabolism for effective dosage are estimated by measuring the concentration level in blood, tissues, urine and feces in accordance with bio-sampling analysis.

  • Pharmacokinetics testing using animals
  • Bioequivalence testing using animals

Elastic pavement material

The pharmacokinetic parameters are identified to assess the body exposure level of the test substance and the correlation between the level of exposure and time

  • General toxicokinetic testing (single-dose, multiple dose)